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July 14, 2008



Hi Shai, do you do speaking engagement? How do I get a hold of you?

I am too busy for paid speakng engagements at this point in time, I do ones that relate to the cause.


Simply amazing.......
Seems to have better balance then humans.
It seems to be continously learning and using the walk. AI like the bots do in on line games.They are just not saturated and doesn`t get tired learning.......

Ben Meiry

I couldn't resist: put a hump or two on the robot and sell it as "CamelPack" I can see the rodeo contestants cheering as T-Boone holds tight...

Seriously, though, put a blast resistant shell around it, make it retracts it's appendages instantly upon detecting an incoming projectile or blast, and let it right itself after impact. I don't know how to a terrorist would say "We just can't stop them, they just keep coming at us..."


Hi Shai,

I recently came across an article on Project Better Place in a French magazine. How amazing that there are people out there like you trying to make a difference for all of us.

I agree when you say nothing is impossible if you're willing to give it all you got.

Keep up the great work!

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