I was invited to speak on a panel at the Brookings institute in DC last week. The event was coordinated by David Sandalow, who is simply brilliant in all that relates to policy about energy. His book "Freedom From Oil: How the Next President Can End the United States' Oil Addiction" is a masterpiece, and you should read and send to your favorite candidate. Just add a small note saying - "go full electric if you can, don't stop at plug-in hybrids". Kidding aside, we are all on the same page, first let's put an electric conduit into the car, then disrupt the pricing model so that consumers use electrons to drive. And please generate the new electrons through clean renewable sources.
I was on a panel moderated by Zoom's author's Vijay Vaitheeswaran, who was very gentle with me given I broke the time rules. I was asked to go for 3 minutes, and unfortunately gone a bit overboard - but the segment is probably the shortest explanation of PBP on video right now... so here goes
you can also see the entire panel here
Shai, Gratulations - Great Speech!
It was great meeting you in Davos this year.
When can I test or even order a BetterPlace Car in Germany?
Posted by: monty | June 29, 2008 at 05:23 AM
Excellent Video, Good Luck and we would be happy to co-operate! Best Thomas
Posted by: spirofrog | July 07, 2008 at 04:18 AM
Shai - I live in a country which is currently spending lots of 'vacuous' money on climate change initiatives - how can I assist with giving them the PBP direction ? It is bad enough sending our taxes to the wrong places - plenty of sun and wind here and PBP solves the storage / capacity issues - let's join the Portugal et al process...
Posted by: dbain | July 17, 2008 at 08:35 PM