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April 20, 2007


Dennis Howlett

Trust you'll be following the enterprise irregulars bloggers then - who knows - you might be able to inject questions in real time while we're in Bloggers' Corner. :)

Avi Malamud

I read your blog and I must tell you that I immediately rejected your 3-axis approach (maybe I was missing the lights, screens and sound…).
But I asked myself, how come I disagree? After all, it is Shai…he can’t be wrong…:-)
Took me a while, but I realized that the analogy you use clearly shows the problem of software companies (and not only software companies).
3 axes = 3 vectors. They start at the same point, but they will never meet again, each continuously moving in its own direction, speed and force.
And this, in my opinion, is the real challenge: how can a company ensure that the dots remain connected within the space.
The X factor you mention, the eco-system, can not fight this battle alone. It needs to rely on a very robust foundation. If the efforts of SAP are not properly coordinated, if it doesn’t ensure to keep the axes in one closed space, ISVs have no chance.
I don’t think SAP has to go “back to basics” but I do think it needs to constantly check that the efforts being done reinforces that robust foundation, otherwise they will be just three thin lines pointing each one to infinity.

Tom Wailgum

Shai -
You may not be here in person, but we can still see your photo/bio in many of the Sapphire media relations materials.
Tom Wailgum, Senior Writer
CIO magazine


Lots of us were hoping that you were the mysterious "guest speaker" listed for 9:15-10:15 on Wednesday, but that now seems to be filled by Philip Lay.


You are missed.

Mohammed Anzy

Thought you would come for the sapphire 2007 to give us a surprise

Chris Boeres

Webmaster please remove content that detracts from the focus of these forums. Thanks


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Hello Shai,
you should get someone from your team clean up spams and organize your forum PBP by theme.

The forum is not active anymore : 90 % of the messages are spams !!
it is really a pitty because a lot of people are ready to participate to your project and might come with good ideas !
Jean Louis

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