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April 11, 2007



i missed it, but heard it was only semi-interesting

Ori Matalon

I see a similar thing happening with Macs (Apple computers). Now, when Macs are running on Intel platform, users that are interested in seeing what Mac OS is, but were afraid to loose Windows compatibility, can run both operating systems on a Mac. During time, if they feel comfortable with the Mac and do not miss Windows too much, they can move to Mac OS completely; the same approach can work for electric cars.


Hi Shay.
I just saw you on the news on channel 10. I am in process of developing electrical car. I think we should join forces. I only have pation to create an electrical car, but you have experience.
I truly believe that electrical car can do more then to transport people.
Please read my blog. Send mail or leave a comment with email if you'd like to talk to me.



I just saw you on channel 10 as well. You spoke at my school (IDC Herzlia) a year ago and once again your presence inspired me.

Best of luck on your new venture.
I appreciate air much more now.

Anat Kramer


area login member myfreepaysite

Michael Goulet


If you are working about an electric car for the middle orient market built an hydrogen car!
You can and must product hydrogen with sun an sea primar energy !

Its certainly the way alone to built relations between arabic world and industriel world outside of the corruptions of oil industrie and so the way alone to the peace !

Hydrogen energy is probably the kryat Yam Souf aharit ha yamim


asian filled pussy

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